A very warm welcome to the Gedling Women’s Institute’s website.
We hope the website will inform and involve all our members and visitors.
Gedling WI is a charity and we aim to improve women’s lives in our community and benefit life in the Gedling area. It is a chance for women to:
- make new friends;
- take part in a wide range of opportunities including at least 11 monthly meetings a year, a varied and interesting programme with speakers and demonstrations, fundraising, social events, meals out, outings and activities;
- widen their horizons by taking advantage of educational opportunities;
- find and learn new interests and develop these;
- build on their existing crafts and skills - and
We meet at Gedling Road Methodist Church on Gedling Road, Carlton Nottingham NG4 3EX at 7:00pm on the 1st Tuesday of the month, unless otherwise stated in our programme of events on our GEDLING WI EVENTS page.
The Church is at the junction of Burton Road and Main Road, also known as Parks Corner. For further details of where we meet, please see our FIND US page.
The Church is at the junction of Burton Road and Main Road, also known as Parks Corner. For further details of where we meet, please see our FIND US page.
Our Craft & Coffee Group is a get together for people interested in knitting, crochet, cross stitch and other similar crafts. You can also come along if you just fancy a chat.
We are an informal and friendly group who meet in the Wesley Room of Gedling Road Methodist Church on Gedling Road, Carlton Nottingham NG4 3EX on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 10.30am for a couple of hours with like-minded people. If you like to meet people then this is the group for you. The cost is £2.50 per session to cover the cost of room hire. This includes a cup of tea/coffee.
Members bring along any small portable project of their own to work on during meetings.
We also knit items for Charity. Over the last year the group has been busy:
- Knitting blankets and cardigans for the Neonatal Unit at Nottingham City Hospital;
- Knitting comfort blankets for Haywood House Specialist Palliative Care Unit at Nottingham City Hospital;
- Knitting clothing and blankets for the Hopewood Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Perinatal Service Centre in Nottingham;
- Knitting scarves, hats and gloves for the Nottinghamshire Federation WI T4U shoebox appeal; and
- Knitting hats for those sleeping rough in Nottingham.
All skill levels welcome, including beginners.
Donations of knitting wool to support us with our charitable knitting are always welcome.
Donations of knitting wool to support us with our charitable knitting are always welcome.
Gedling WI hosts various fundraising events. This includes coffee mornings and a cake/preserve stall at Gedling Gala when it takes place.
Gedling WI hosts various fundraising events. This includes coffee mornings and a cake/preserve stall at Gedling Gala when it takes place.
In 2016 the ladies of Gedling WI decided to adopt a Charity. Since then we have raised:
- £700 for Breast Cancer Care;
- £1,000 for Teenage Cancer Trust at Nottingham City Hospital;
- £1,006 for Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance;
- £1,000 for Nottingham Hospitals Charity the Big Appeal including iMRI Machine Appeal for use by paediatric neurosurgeons;
- £375 for 'Juno Women's Refuge' and;
- £375 for 'Nottingham Street Pastors'

The ladies of Gedling WI also support the annual Poppy Appeal and each Remembrance Sunday we lay a wreath at the Gedling war memorial.

The ladies of Gedling WI also support our local food-bank by donating foodstuffs and each year they fill shoeboxes with Christmas gifts for Teams4U to be given to a vulnerable
child and family distributed through schools, nurseries, hospitals & orphanages in Eastern Europe.
We also collect plastic bottle tops & pill blister packs for recycling and postage stamps for 'Myotonic Dystrophy'.
child and family distributed through schools, nurseries, hospitals & orphanages in Eastern Europe.
We also collect plastic bottle tops & pill blister packs for recycling and postage stamps for 'Myotonic Dystrophy'.
In addition there are a variety of opportunities for members, organised by both the Nottinghamshire Federation and National.
In addition there are a variety of opportunities for members, organised by both the Nottinghamshire Federation and National.
- Gedling Women's Institute was founded in 1933;
- Membership has grown steadily to around 60 members;
- Gedling W.I is part of Nottinghamshire Federation of Women’s Institutes and the National Federations of Women’s Institutes, which is the largest women's organization in the UK. Both can be contacted for more information about the Women’s Institute at
Why not come along and join us? You will be very welcome.
The current programme of events is shown on our GEDLING WI EVENTS page. Don’t forget to check out this page and see what we are up to
The current programme of events is shown on our GEDLING WI EVENTS page. Don’t forget to check out this page and see what we are up to
Registered Charity No: 1023115